Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts

Whatever you do, do well

Telephone02 4229 6844


Location and transport

NSW Public School Finder

Use the School Finder to locate the public school zoned for your household. Enter your address and a map will display your home address and the enrolment area of your designated school. The information window shows useful information about the school such as contact details, out of hours care information and public transport routes.

School Student Travel - OPAL Card Application


Contact us for information about transport routes or other travel arrangements to and from school, or to find out more about our school.

Student conduct when travelling

Transport assistance

The school student transport scheme provides subsidised travel on rail, bus, ferry and long distance coach services for eligible students.

The private vehicle conveyance scheme is available to eligible families in isolated or rural areas where there is no accessible public transport. Parents are reimbursed for the costs of driving their children to a transport pick-up point.

Transport for students with disabilities

Students with a disability may be eligible for the Assisted School Travel Program.

Transport Contact Details

Dions Bus Service Premier Illawarra
PO Box 868 12 – 23 Investigator Drive
Phone: 4254 4888 Phone: 4271 1322
Fax: 4228 7313 Fax: 4272 1608
Dions School Services
Premier Bus Services