Stage 4
Geography Topics: World Heritage; World Environments; Globalization and Australia's Neighbours. History Topics:Investigating History; Societies and Civilisations of the Past; Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples, Colonisation and Contact History; The Shaping of the Modern World.
Stage 5
Geography and History: Students in years 9 and 10 study a range of topics centred on Australian Geography and Australian History. Students are required to sit for a Board of NSW School Certificate Examination in both Geography and History at the end of Year 10. Commerce: Commerce is an elective offered in Years 9 and 10. Commerce deals with running a business profitably, creating an effective resume, living independently, the legal system and community participation. International Studies: This course is offered as an elective to Years 9 and 10. This deals with regional studies of countries and cultures, particularly in the Asian region.
Stage 6
Students in Years 11 and 12 can select from the following subjects:
- Ancient History
- Business Services
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Extension History
- Geography
- Legal Studies
- Modern History
- Society and Culture
- Studies of Religion.
The HSIE Faculty prides itself on its commitment to providing a warm, friendly caring and professional environment in which all students are encouraged to reach their potential.