Stages 4 and 5
Students study a wide variety of Literature and texts that cover novel, drama, film, non-fictional texts, poetry and media. In Years 9 and 10 students study Shakespeare.
The broad range of texts available for study include Australian literature and film including material with a focus on the Aboriginal or Multicultural experience in either Stage 4 or 5.
In Years 7-10 students will complete a variety of common assessment tasks and are encouraged to engage in the drafting and editing process and submit these assessments on time.
A designated top class is created each year for each cohort. Generally though, in the junior school, classes are arranged in mixed-ability groupings.
Stage 6
Courses offered in the senior school include ESL (English as a Second Language), Standard, Advanced and, when required, Life Skills English. Extension English is offered each year.
Extension courses are taught outside the normal timetable and this means that classes are generally held before or after school.
This can require students to be at school by 7.30 am or remain at school until 4.30 or 5 pm one day a week.
Additional Focus
The English Faculty works to encourage students to appreciate Literature and enjoy reading as a way of understanding the world they live in. In the junior years students are expected to read for the first fifteen minutes of each lesson.
Students are encouraged to either bring reading material from home or use the school library to obtain reading material. Parents/Caregivers are vital in this process and asked to promote reading within the home.
Reading material can be diverse and include novels, magazines, comics etc.