The school runs a comprehensive parallel curricula and extra-curricular Drama program.
Drama is an art form that explores the world through enactment. It is a collaborative art form that involves the creative interaction of individuals using a range of artistic skills. Drama is an important means of understanding, constructing, appreciating and communicating social and cultural values; interpreting, valuing and transmitting the past and traditions; exploring, celebrating and challenging the present and imagining the future.
Drama Curriculum
Stages 4 and 5
- Auditioned Year 7 Drama PA class continuing through to Year 12 with 2 to 3 period per week of Dance classes
- Year 7 Drama PA study Dance to develop movement and performance skills.
- All 8-10 students at the school can study the Drama Elective course for 2 periods per week.
- All Dance students work to obtain the ROSA.
Stage 6
Year 11 and 12 Drama students study 3 periods per week for two years to obtain a HSC.
Extra-curricular Dance Program
The Drama extra-curricular company program aims to extend students learning and experience of Drama by providing access to a range of performance styles, theatre practitioners, and performance events to build upon and supplement what skills are learned in class.
Making drama that explores a range of imagined and created situations in a collaborative drama and theatre environment.
Performing devised and scripted drama using a variety of performance techniques, dramatic forms and theatrical conventions to engage and audience.
Appreciating the meaning and function of drama and theatre in reflecting the personal, social, cultural, aesthetic and political aspects of the human experience.
In Years 7 – 12 all PA and Drama Elective students can nominate to participate in the Drama Company program. It is encouraged that tutors source performance opportunities for company groups for example Viva La Gong, Christmas Carols Fundraiser, Primary school performances etc.
All Drama Company students will be provided with performance opportunities in:
- School Companies
- Merrigong Gold Pass
- Drama Festival
- Drama Workshop Week
- Southern Stars
- State Drama Festival
- The Schools Spectacular
- Drama Showcase
- School musicals
- Regional and State Shakespeare Festivals
- Southern Stars Performing Company
- Southern Stars Touring Ensemble
- NSW Public Schools State Companies
- The Wollongong Eisteddfod
- Young Wharfies
- Sydney Theatre Company Work experience
- Artist in Residence
- School Plays
- Junior and Senior Theatresports competitions
- Bell Shakespeare Scholarships