The school runs a comprehensive parallel curricula and extra-curricular Dance program.
Dance Curriculum
The study of dance as an artform in education is based on the study of three interrelated
Stages 4 and 5
- Auditioned Year 7 Dance PA class continuing through to Year 12 with 2 to 3 period per week of Dance classes
- Year 7 Drama PA study Dance to develop movement and performance skills
- Year 9 and 10 Dance Extension course is for any Dance PA student. The course runs in parallel to and builds on the PA Dance courses. It expands on the dance training and choreographic practices learned in the 7-10 Dance program through an additional 2 periods per week.
- All 8-10 students at the school can study the Dance Elective course for 2 periods per week.
- All Dance students work to obtain the ROSA
Stage 6
Year 11 and 12 Dance students study 3 periods per week for two years to obtain a HSC.
Extra-curricular Dance Program
The school runs a comprehensive extra-curricular Dance Company, ensemble, workshop and excursion programs for gifted and talented Dance students. The emphasis of the program is to provide access to a variety of choreographers, dance styles, and performance events to build upon and supplement what skills are learned in class.
In Years 7 – 12 all PA and Dance Elective students can nominate to participate in the Dance Company program.
We offer the following:
- Junior Company for 7-9 students
- Year 9 and10 Dance Extension
- Senior Company for 10-12 students
- 3 style-specific Companies Ballet, Tap, Hip Hop
- Boys Ensemble
- Lighthouse Project Company
- Pre-professional Company
- One scholarship for a junior and senior student